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Karl-Otto von Oertzen
Arrived on Earth 04/13/1974 in paris france


+Ensaama 1997 BA : Urbanism
+Ensaama 1999 BA : Metal Sculpture
+Ensapc 2003 MFA
+UniversityOfMaine 2005 MALS in New Media

professionnal experience:

+ 2006 Max/msp programming for sculptor Samuel Van Aken
+ 2006 Workshop Max/msp/jitter at University of Houston,Texas - collaborative media Program
+ 2005 Workshop Max/msp/jitter in Prague at Transistor at the FAMU (Film and TV School)
+ 2002-2005 Teaching Max/msp/jitter at University of Maine - New media Program
+ 2002 Workshop Mirage, at the Cube in Paris - George Gagnere ue
+ 2003 Coordinator of the WithoutBorders show at AyersIsland, Orono ME
+ 2003 Graphic designer for the WithoutBorders show at Ayers Island, Orono ME
+ 2002-2003 Conceptor of the Egalab platform with Alexandre Berthier,
   in the frame of CULTURE 2000 European Comission , project hosted by Ciant
+ 2002 Graphic designer for CoalGum Records
+ 2002 Realisation of a video clip for French popmusic group ALIDragon with Alexandre Berthier.
+ 1992-1996 Artistic set-ups for the Parisian events "Lunacy", "Magic Garden", "Sunday"
   Artistic manager of the Sunday organization, creating cultural events in Paris,
   promoting young artists and avant-garde musicians.

software :


programming :

max/msp/jitter/softVNS - html - javascript

spoken Languages :


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